Tag Archives: Orleans

Private places to help you unplug

Cell phones. iPads. Laptops. The world is full of useful and necessary gadgets that help us work and stay connected. Sometimes, though, you just want to unplug, find a quiet moment and enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the world around us. These private places all offer you space to unplug, breathe and live.  Continue reading

Man-tastic Man Caves for Dad

With Father’s Day on Sunday, children across the country are planning the best ways to honor dad. Be it a delicious meal shared together, a trip to the golf course, or a hand-made card, the numerous ways to honor your father are endless. When it comes to your home, man caves are a prime place for dad to unwind and a great place to spend Father’s Day. If you’re looking for a new dad-centric space, or just some inspiration, here are some man-tastic man caves to view.

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Video of the Week: Private Orleans Island

What do a private Orleans Island, Julia Roberts’ Hawaiian getaway and a Manhattan townhouse have in common? They were all recently profiled as part of Fox News’ Hot Houses segment. This video previews all three luxurious offerings.

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5 homes with fireplaces Santa will love

5 homes with fireplaces Santa will love

It’s less than a month until Santa Claus will be making his way around the globe dropping off presents for good little boys and girls (and maybe even some naughty ones). As he shimmies his considerable girth down the chimney, what will he find awaiting him in your living rooms? These 5 homes all offer unique fireplaces and will give Santa something to be in awe over. Whether you eagerly await Santa near the fireplace or use it to curl up with a good book as the weather gets colder,here are 5 homes with fireplaces Santa will love.

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